Sunday, February 26, 2006

"Jealousy" as Impetus

When I taught in NJ, there was a large Jewish segment of the population, and thus we had several 3 or 4 day weekends sprinkled throughout the school year. There was also a teacher's convention weekend, and a long president's day weekend, so we were looking a tons of opportunities to take off and travel somewhere. It also didn't hurt that Newark was a hub and flying somewhere usually meant just one plane flight to your destination. I remember one holiday weekend I traveled solo to Seattle, stayed at a B&B, wandered around town, and had the best time.

This is not the case down here. Most of our weeks are 5 day, and once a month the kids get off while we have inservice. I'M GOING THROUGH TRAVEL WITHDRAWAL. To top it off, my husband travels a ton for work, and he has no desire to hop on a plane for a weekend somewhere. To doubly top it off, "hopping on a plane" on Friday after school is infeasible as there are most likely always connecting flights. ... In addition lately I seem to be hearing of everyone taking a vacation somewhere (that doesn't include visiting family or going to conferences). Just plain travel (HAH!, I almost typed "plane travel"). I've also just happened upon Rick Steve's travel show on Saturday mornings while he tempts me with Denmark and Spain and such. ... I have travel envy; refine that; I have "solo" travel envy.

Here's my vow to myself. This summer, I will travel (alone) to somewhere that I've never been before. Europe or US? Europe or US? Hmmmmm, a fun thing to think about for the next few months.

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