"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." ― Dalai Lama
Hi. Bad news: don't ask for social security numbers, even as a joke. Good news: there are lots of (silly) math jokes about vectors - I'm sure you can find some your students will like - or groan at.Jerryonlinecollegemathteacher.blogspot.com
Hi Jerry. Thank goodness my students know I'm joking about the SSN (or, I could just use it for my nefarious purposes mwa ha ha ha). ... I like the joke idea, though.
Hi. Bad news: don't ask for social security numbers, even as a joke. Good news: there are lots of (silly) math jokes about vectors - I'm sure you can find some your students will like - or groan at.
Hi Jerry. Thank goodness my students know I'm joking about the SSN (or, I could just use it for my nefarious purposes mwa ha ha ha). ... I like the joke idea, though.