Tuesday, March 09, 2010

System of Inequalities

We just finished our unit on inequalities, and my students have a test next class. I'm thinking of putting the following question on it to gauge their understanding of what the solution graph really indicates. (sorry can't figure out a nice way to embed the document directly onto this page ... does anyone have a tried and true method?)

LATER: Thanks to a wonderful commenter, I learned a new skill of "screen shots" (after I asked him how to do it ... and then thought of "Google University"):


  1. I like it! You also just reminded me I've done absolutely nothing with Box account.

  2. (sorry can't figure out a nice way to embed the document directly onto this page ... does anyone have a tried and true method?)

    Scribd ( http://www.scribd.com ) works quite well for embedding Word documents and PDFs in posts -- at least on Wordpress, which is the platform I'm used to.

    Alternatively, you could just take a screenshot and include the picture in your post.

    Here's an example of a post where I took the belt-and-braces approach of doing both (!):


  3. Thank you,Jon, for the ideas. I've tried scribd, but if I remember correctly, either blogger.com doesn't let me embed it, or I haven't figured out how to do it. Also, I had some weird formatting errors ... maybe it was the font I used.

    I'm intrigued by the screen shot idea. Exactly how do I do that?

    Ms. Cookie

  4. Cool problem! I'm going to have to steal that one.
