
Sunday, August 17, 2014

School School School

Back to school on Monday for the start of PD week. Our fun admin has decided to "flip our lessons" for the week, so that we have more time to chat and plan together. That should be new and intriguing. 

And we have 2.5 new math teachers to show all the ropes to. Yay for new blood and new ideas. Boo for sleep deprivation. Yay for getting back to more people to talk to than just my mirror's image, so I can alleviate the loneliness of summer isolation. Boo for sleep deprivation. Yay for actually moving around to justify eating calories. Yay for goofy kids and spontaneous laughter.

This year (don't have the official word yet, though, you know, since it's more than a handful of days before school starts), I will be teaching Precalculus, AP Calculus AB, Digital Electronics, and Computer Science 1. A nice mix to keep me from getting bored. 

I'm working on doing some form of SBG in DE and CS1. I had grandiose plans of mapping it all out during the summer. Yea, about that ..... apparently, it will be business as usual, and I'll think about to and from work and in between and map it out as the year goes on. I don't know why I'm so continually deluded into thinking that I'm a different person than I really am.

Other than that, hopefully it's another epic year in the making. Good luck and good math to everyone else who is starting or has already started school. Go Us!