Thursday, February 23, 2006


I like to make my classes roll their eyes, so today I told a joke I'd just read that had a good effect:

What's the difference between boogers and brussel sprouts? ... Kids will eat boogers.

Or another of my favorites ... whenever we're doing a problem involving x and y, and I prompt them for an answer, and the answer happens to be y ..... when they respond, "y" to my question, I reply, "because I asked you!".

Or when they're finished with whatever they're practicing, and someone calls out, "I'm done" .... I call back, "Stop it. You're not dumb" .... and then they say, "no, I'm finished" .... to which I HAVE to say, "oh, I thought you were American."

Ar ar ar. A wee bit of humor to get through the stressful times.

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